Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Catapulting the Propaganda

Check out this amazing display of hyperfeminized leftism:

Would you send your daughter, mother, or grandmother to share space with this subhuman trash? Of course not.
Hillary Clinton should not lower herself. She shouldn't be forced to endure it. She shouldn't legitimize it. She shouldn't have anything to do with a Republican Party who’s trying to elect a sex criminal.

There you have it. Trump is a sex criminal because he talks. His words are a crime.  Hillary may be a criminal but Trump is an even bigger criminal. Because when a male postures in front of another male, and talks a bunch of crap in order to appear more manly, that is a crime. Except for one problem. There is no evidence of a crime. It's talk. Literally millions of men say crap like this when they are alone with other men. But these ultrafeminized sissies dont understand that, which is probably a big part of the reason why they are on sites like dailykos in the first place, instead of being out there tapping it, hitting it, pounding it, etc. And when I say "it" you either know what I mean, or you are a literal sissy whose genes should and most likely will be eliminated from the gene pool via simple darwinism.

Their socio-sexual dynamicism has been replaced by corporate globalist propaganda. They are trained to take that tape from 11 years ago, get all riled up, and catapult the propaganda. Indeed, they are "triggered". Exactly how they are designed to be. They still havent learned that they are working for a hopelessly corrupt and broken establishment.

Ironically, I was actually a member of dailykos when Trump uttered those infamous words 11 years ago. My hatred for the failed Bush republican party drove me toward dailykos. But it didnt take me long to realize the left was not an alternative. For these past 11 years, I have been ranting and raving about how this isnt about left vs right. It is about a corrupt establishment and a corrupt elite vs the people. It is about those who understand vs those who wittingly or unwittingly still serve the corrupt establishment. Well, we're here. We have reached a critical threshold where the 100th monkey finally understands. Unfortunately for those on dailykos, they are like the millionth monkeys. Their anger, rage, and frustration has yet to peak. Until it does, they will keep building bigger and bigger catapults.


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