Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Kerry let slip more truth than America can handle

Watch this video. It is the longer version of the infamous "Stuck in Iraq" sound bite.

Now, here are 3 very simple questions:

1. Did John Kerry mention the troops? Yes or No.
2. Did John Kerry mention the military? Yes or No.
3. Did John Kerry mention Bush? Yes or No.

There you have it. The anatomy of a smear. Yes it sounded like an attack on the troops. But it wasn't. So why do we think it was? From day one (~1971) Kerry has been smeared as a troop basher. And guess what? We're a bunch of dumbed down idiots who allow ourselves to be brainwashed by the media. You think any of it is an accident? Go back to the 1970's. Check out this piece:

What WAS he thinking? I'll tell you what he was thinking. The same thing we all think when we see grave injustices happening around us. The only thing he did wrong was to stand up against injustice. OMG that makes him a coward. He hates the troops! How stupid do you have to be to buy into this crap? It's insulting. So insulting that it makes my calling us stupid a compliment in comparison.

The same thing is happening today.

Should we demand justice and fairness? Or should we cower like dogs and cover it up. How is it that when someone like Kerry exposes gross crimes within the military, it automatically means he hates the military? If you care about something you do your best to clean the crap off of it when someone takes a dump on it. Kerry was trying to clean up the crap, so I guess people just assumed he is the one that took the dump? I'm picturing a caricature of John Kerry wearing an oversized pair of rubber gloves, and he's got this big pile of stinking dung in his hand, and there's a crowd of people pointing and laughing (and more than likely one of them did the dirty deed). I don't know, it makes no sense at all. It never does. Yet it happens all the time. Everyone knows what it is like to be harassed and vilified for doing the right thing. It's bad enough that most people will just stand by and let injustices go unchallenged, but to attack those that do something... it is and has always been the worst of the worst behavior in human nature. It is what allows every other bad thing to happen.

Did John Kerry set out to hurt our troops? No of course not. But there is such a thing as justice, and it is greater than all of us. When any soldier commits a crime it damages us in ways we cannot even begin to calculate. It must not be tolerated. So what does it say about us as a people when we allow a seeker of justice to be vicously smeared and attacked like this? Sometimes the truth hurts. Sometimes justice hurts. And yes some veterans took a lot of crap because of what Kerry did. But that is a poor reflection on all of us, not on John Kerry. John Kerry didn't tell anyone to go spit on a veteran. Some people just simply cannot understand that, and again this is a poor reflection on all of us.

For christ sakes I'm not even a christian and I can see this clearly. What does that say about the millions of people who call themselves christians yet attack John Kerry because he followed his conscience and did his duty. Duty, Honor, Righteousness. These are not things that can be cast aside when they become inconvenient or too painful to deal with. That is precisely why I am not a christian... not because I do not believe in the teachings of Christ, but because I do not wish to be associated with so many hypocrites who willfully betray their own principles.

After all this time, nobody should be looking down on John Kerry with such contempt. Not for this. You want to blame him for something, blame him for willfully ignoring the vote fraud in Ohio and conceding in 2004. There are alot of things about Kerry that anger people. I can certainly understand that. But it is immoral and unjust to allow that anger to feed this terrible media distortion machine. That same "drive by media" (as Mr pillpopper likes to call it) could ruin any one of us, at any time, anywhere. It's been 35 years and still the original root cause of the angst against Kerry remains. And it has grown. That is a failing in all of us. We don't stand up for justice. We let him get hung out to dry. Over and over again. Stand up to these people. Don't let this continue any longer. It's a simple argument. He did the right thing. It hurt a lot of people. But he's not the one who put us in Vietnam. He's not the one who made those bad apples take out their aggressions on innocent vietnamese. He's not the one who buried all those stories on page 17 of the newspapers. And he's not the one who put us in Iraq. And if we stood up for people like Kerry in the first place, we wouldn't even be in Iraq. These neocon crazies would have never gotten into power. Do you doubt that? Then you have yet to learn just how powerful the force for justice can be. I hope for the sake of this country that we are capable of learning this lesson, and, even more importantly, of teaching it. Because the "liberal media" isn't going to do that job for us.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Patti Davis, Michael J Fox, Stem Cells, Bullies, and Limbaugh

Heartlessness -- By Patti Davis

Oct. 25, 2006 - When I was a kid, I was once being teased relentlessly by a bully at school, and I faked being sick to stay home and avoid him. My parents knew I was faking (the thermometer under hot water trick didn’t work) but they also knew something was wrong. My father came into my room to talk to me, and I willingly confessed. He patiently explained to me that the best way to deal with a bully was to totally ignore him—treat him as if he is invisible. Because all bullies really want is attention.

I got it right back then. I returned to school, ignored the persistent bully, and he backed off. I seem less able to do that now when a bully by the name of Rush Limbaugh has accused Michael J. Fox of faking the symptoms of Parkinson’s (OK, he actually said “acting”) for political purposes.

Patti, there is a difference between Limbaugh and a bully. Limbaugh is not a bully, he's a hack, a neocon shill. Everything he does is done for the sole purpose of empowering the neocon elites. So of course you shouldn't respond to him the way you would respond to a bully.

This is an interesting topic for many reasons. For one thing, the whole stem cell debate is a farce, and is really quite laughable given the state of world affairs. Here we are giving over a billion dollars a day to China, where they execute political prisoners and sell their organs. Where they have no qualms about using any kind of stem cell for anything. It's ok to support that, but embryonic stem cell research in the US is bad?? Look, if we don't do it, other countries are going to. It'll end up being one more area where we get left behind. The reason people like Limbaugh are against embryonic stem cell research is because it could help this country. And they obviously don't want that. Everything they say and do is about destroying this country, or rather the middle class. (They don't view that as the destruction of the country because they'll still have their yachts and gated communities and whatnot. Even when all our major cities resemble Calcutta.) And besides, the big drug companies are going to do plenty of embryonic stem cell research regardless of what laws we pass. They'll just do it over in Asia or wherever they can. It's all just windowdressing. Those drug companies don't want any independent research being done on these shores. They don't want to take the risk of a major breakthrough that they can't profit from. They want to clamp down on that possibility. They want more government control. I guess that makes them good little conservatives??

Monday, October 23, 2006

The Rovian Dilemma

It's difficult to tell exactly who or what Rove is talking about sometimes. For example take these sound bytes from one of his neocon fundraisers.

25:13: "We got an economy that since the last big round of tax cuts in 2003 has grown 20% in size... you know what that's equivalent to?"

Well let's see here Mr Rove... That's equivalant to about half of the value that the US dollar has lost over the same period of time! It's also about equal to the amount that our national debt has grown since 2003. IMAGINE THAT! What a [censored] coincidence! NOT!

Instead of listening to Rove spout pathetic talking points, lets understand where the so called "growth" really came from.

From our personal savings.

including the last remaining equity in our homes:

Our economy has in fact hit a brick wall,

and it's happening precisely because the average person isn't getting any more money. We used up all our personal savings and mortgaged ourselves to the limit. The Fed had to raise interest rates to compensate for the increased inflation caused by the retards Rove is shilling for. And now the increased interest payments are sinking us. Us as in "real people", not the pathetic bootlicking money-whores who pay to see Rove spewing his nonsense (they're doing quite well, of course).

This is where Repugs get their so called economic growth from:

They borrow it. It's pathetic how they actually dupe people into believing they are squeezing water from a rock. In reality they are squeezing water from our kid's well. And I'm -- what do they call it -- "cynical" for pointing this out???

Ok now back to the Rove video.

27:40 "Like it or not we're in a war. Like it or not it came to our shores on a bright sunny september morning..."

See, and they have the nerve to say that they never claimed Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11. lol they're constantly spewing crap like this. Gotta love the subtlety of the propaganda. Despite what Bush says, they don't always catapult it. Sometimes they just lay it on you like a wet noodle.

28:28 "He and his allies want to establish a radical muslim empire..."

Whoa there, who exactly are you talking about Mr Hackjob? You and Bush have done more to establish a radical muslim empire than Osama bin Laden could have ever hoped to accomplish by himself. That's just the sad and sick truth. Hmm, let's see here, Bush vacations with the bin Ladens, he took money from the bin Ladens, and now he's doing the bidding of Osama bin Laden. These are the facts. And they're indesputable. Back in 2002, an American could have gone to half a dozen countries in the middle east and be treated with something that generally resembled good will. And now who in their right mind would go there? (Even if wearing a t-shirt saying "I didn't vote for 'him'")

29:30 "The things we take for granted... he hates. He hates the freedom, and the liberty, and the right of expression and thought and worship that we take for granted every single day..."

Well that's illuminating. The most obvious question is... again... who are you talking about, Mr. Patriot Act? And btw YOU might take those things for granted, as you just admitted, and so may your audience of phoney conservatives, but that doesn't mean that real Americans do.

Rove's 4 step plan for global jihad:
(This is pretty sick stuff. It's all pure vintage Rovish, straight from the horse's mouth.)
1. 29:58 "The defeat of the United States of America."

Check! The war in Iraq has sent us well on our way... thx Rove.
2. 30:12 "...extend what he calls the jihad wave to every other muslim country in the region"

Check! You officially added Lebanon to the list this year. Syria and Iran are tied for a toss up as the next target. Then Pakistan in '08? Gotta think big! Oh and don't forget the bombings in India. India! Good grief... I mean, Good work Rove.
3. 30:24 "... he wants to dominate the world" (Rove's gonna offer some pointers, woohoo!) "and the way to do it is one simple 3 letter word: OIL. And he talks about using oil as a weapon to damage western economies and to dominate the world politically and economically."

Check! That's right, Bush and Rove are gonna do everything in their power to help. From reducing CAFE standards to refusing to subsidize alternative energy, Bush and Rove will work hard to keep us addicted to oil. What a truly grand strategery, Mr. Rove.
4. 30:44 "He wants to utterly destroy the state of Israel."

Check! From financing the bombing of red cross ambulances and UN bunkers, to the financing of the slaughter of hundreds of Lebanese and Palestinian children, we are one step closer to pushing Israel off the edge. Like Rove said, "by any means necessary."

Of that whole speech, this is my favorite Rovian quote:
30:48 "I recommend the book to ya. It's like readin Mein Kampf"

Oh I bet you enjoyed that. Did your grandfather make you read that?

According to Wilson, and to Retired U.S. Navy Lt. Commander Al Martin (www.almartinraw.com), Rove's grandfather was Karl Heinz Roverer, the Gauleiter of Oldenburg. Roverer was Reich-Statthalter---Nazi State Party Chairman---for his region He was also a partner and senior engineer in the Roverer Sud-Deutche Ingenieurburo A. G. engineering firm, which built the Birkenau death camp, at which tens of thousands of Jews, Gypsies, dissidents and other were slaughtered en masse.

Gosh, you've got a lot to live up to Mr. Rove.

30:59 "We're in a war. And it's a different kinda war. And we oughtta realize we're in a different kinda war, and act accordingly."

Now this I actually agree with. We are in a different kind of war. A war in which the enemy has already taken control of our government, and through lies and propaganda, has convinced 40% of Americans that we need to surrender our freedoms. We need to give up all our future wealth to the rich, so that they can escape to some pacific island when they finally succeed at imploding our economy. Hey, at least some part of the american dream will live on, amiright!?

Take a look at the facts.
1. Economy is imploding except for the Rich.
2. Bush is in bed with the bin Ladens.
3. They dupe people into believing that Osama was "disowned" or something. He's like the bastard child, so they say. And I ask, wtf does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
4. They lie about tax cuts. If taxes get cut by 2 trillion, and the national debt goes up by the same amount and more, then it aint really a [censored] tax cut now is it? (I don't know what's more disturbing, the fact that they did it, or the fact that they got away with it for so long?)
5. They lied us into Iraq. Then they used it as a cash cow for all their croneys.
6. They have done nothing and will do nothing to stop illegal immigration. They want a north american union... they want all of us to be slaves on the global plantation. NAFTA, CAFTA, SHAFTA, the current wage drought, the huge income boost to the rich, abstinence programs, terrorism... it's all centered around this policy.

31:09 "You know there's a wonderful room in the white house that I sometimes go to when I wanna sorta clear my head. Not too many people get to go there..."

Where? Bush's bedroom? Is that the one place where you get to be president?

"It's called the map room..."

Yeah right. I believe you.

At around 34:00 he starts going into a long diatribe about everything the Patriot Act has given us. The key to understanding this form of Rovish is knowing the real definition of "terrorist". Terrorists, are of course leftists, and liberals, and even some conservatives who refuse to surrender their sanity to Rove and his ilk.

Let me explain something about security, and "Roving" wiretaps, and all that stuff. As it relates to terrorism, it's a fraud. An illusion. Look, anyone can hack into a video stream and place secret communications encoded into the bitstream and then upload that video onto myspace, and terror networks around the world could download that video and get the information from it. And the goons monitoring us would never know it. The same can be done with images or even plain text. 657k56kj7k5kjkj5k6jkj5. What was that? A secret jihadi code? OMFG he's a terrorist, send the [censored] FBI to go get his unlawful enemy combatant ass. It's total nonsense. Claiming this crap is gonna protect us from terrorists is like claiming prisons will protect us from drugs. Yeah they're really protecting us. Millions in prisons and the drug problem is worse then ever. Not only is there still meth and crack and cocaine and the evil devil weed, but there's also a host of legal drugs that the drug companies are pushing on us... even on poor helpless children. Jesus christ, wake the [censored] up. The only way to stop terrorism is to quit meddling in other people's business. Stop staging coup's like in Iran, 1953. Stop supplying people like Saddam with weapons to fight Iran. Stop electing leaders who brainwash and stampede the public into wars for corporate profits. Demand justice for those that do it.

Notice how we haven't done jack to North Korea, even though they are by far a greater threat to our national security than Saddam ever was. You want to know why? Hell, you already know why. Because Kim Jong Il aint sittin on nuthin but a worthless pile of [censored] land and there aint no profit in going in there and taking him out, and you know it. Even Rove knows it.

All this talk about the nuclear threat and the axis of evil, and then, this... to quote Dan Rather: "Amazing, incredible, pick your word."

Let me be crystal clear on this. Nuclear weapons aren't meant to be used. They are meant to scare people... the fear that they might be used is what gives them their power. The undetonated nuke that hangs over all our heads... It's that picture of a mushroom cloud on the cover of Time magazine. "You better go waste those commie pigs before they nuke you!" Be afraid. Be very afraid.

The imagery is the true nuclear weapon. So you have to ask yourself, who is using nuclear weapons on you? Not the nuke, but the threat of being nuked?

That is the key to understanding terrorism. Rove isn't gonna teach you diddly squat about fighting terrorism until you understand this. The people who hang that threat over your head are most likely to be the ones who will actually hurt you. The husband who says you're going to get hurt if you don't do what he says. The cop who says you're going to jail if you don't do what he says. Of all the a-holes in the world, it is the ones who hang the threat over your head that are the biggest threat to you. And corrupt politicians are no different. They're maggots. Just like the wife beater or the crooked cop. They will use whatever they can to control you. If it serves them. If they know you'll go along with it. That's what Karl Rove is all about, and he doesn't bother trying to hide it.

We live in perilous times, because what people like Rove are saying goes beyond mere jingoism. It's not just fanatical patriotism, it's utter madness. Look at how everything he says is double speak. The way Bush and Rove seem to be doing the bidding of bin Laden. Igniting the middle east. Bringing in a global jihad. How far along does it have to get before you stop and say... damn he really is on the same side as bin Laden? And look how he accuses his opponents of that very same thing! It's called projection.

Some might argue, the problem with projection is that anyone can accuse anyone of doing it. A right wing hack could read this and accuse me of doing the same thing. heh. But the truth lies within the logic. Rove's logical framework is based on the concept of an unwillingness of his opponents to submit to authoritarianism and to grant Bush... and by proxy to grant Rove and the entire extreme right wing movement more power. Power to protect us? Well for one thing our country was founded upon the unwillingness to accept King George, so I can't see how Rove could possibly expect us to submit to him now. And the idea that those who do not submit to the new King George are somehow unpatriotic?

Oh the cruel irony! That's how you tell who is real and who is a fraud. Break down the logic and it all comes down to two simple answers: TRUE or FALSE. You know someone is being false when all of these incredible "coincidences" keep creeping back into the picture. Like the tax cuts and exploding national debt. Or the fact that Bush appears to be aiding the terrorists. Or the fact that only the rich are getting richer. Or the idea that submitting to King George is patriotic. Or the idea that we will be greeted as liberators. Or the fact that Bush said he wasn't that concerned with catching bin Laden. Or the fact that we haven't done anything about North Korea. Or the fact that Bush tried to hand over more ports to a foreign country. Or the idea of fighting a war on terror like the war on drugs? (Or the war on poverty?) Or the fact that "the enemy" is being associated with fascism (islamofascism?)? Take a good look at the word fascism. How can Rove and co even mention the word fascism, given all the symptoms they carry. Not only has the pot met the kettle, the pot has married the kettle and they've spawned a full set of cookware. When the pots and kettles are overflowing out of your cupboards, that's when you know it all comes crashing down to just one simple word: FALSE.

How can people like Rove be so wrong on so many counts? Two possibilities. They are either totally braindead, or totally lying. Either they slipped through the cracks in the walls of our republic... or they are the cracks. Either way, does it really matter? It's the Rovian dilemma. Is he pot, or is he kettle? Or is he the stuff you scrape off the bottom of both?

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Kids, you're not fat enough!

This is real twilight zone stuff here. Check out the results of this google news search.

These are actual headlines:

Recess Restrictions
Touchy Attleboro school outlaws tag from its playground
Not It! Mass. Elementary School Bans Tag
Attleboro elementary school bans tag
Tag You're It Now Out In Mass. School
Elementary school outlaws tag at recess
Classic kids game barred from local school
Safety First (childhood last)
Being PC eliminates playground tag

Like I said, this is real twilight zone stuff. But why? Is it really for kids' safety? That is such a bogus nonsensical argument... it falls flat on its face. Why not just lock all the kids up? It's nonsense. My guess is ... it is a scam sponsored by the drug companies to prevent children from burning off excess energy and thereby giving more children the symptoms of ADD so they can be placed on ritalin. It's sick, but certainly not without precedent.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Buried in the Sand

600,000 dead in Iraq? Where do numbers like that come from?

More importantly, where do numbers like 30,000 come from? That's how many Iraqis have died according to Bush, as of last year. (Apparently that's Bush's limit when it comes to math becuase now he just says "a lot" of Iraqis have died.)

Let's compare the two numbers. 600,000 vs 30,000. Well one is like 25 deaths per day and the other is like 500 deaths per day. If you only count the bodies that come into the morgue, you end up with a figure around 30,000. Or if you only look at the media reports and count the deaths based on that, you'd only end up with around the same 30,000. This is the proper way to count fatalities! This nonsense about conducting surveys... that's just not credible. Not credible! (Hold your hands up to your ears and repeat after me: "la la la la la la!")

Think about it this way. In order for the lowball figures to be correct, two things would have to happen: 1. Every person that dies over in Iraq has to end up in the morgue. 2. Every single death has to have been reported by the media.

In order for the 600,000 figure to be correct, only one of these needs to be true: 1. Only 5-10% of the dead in Iraq end up in a morgue. 2. Only 5-10% of the deaths in Iraq are reported by the media.

Which really sounds more plausible?

Indeed the 30,000 numbers are the ones that are not credible or even plausable. 5000 people have died in Baghdad in the past 2 months alone. And that's just one city.

They even admit their own numbers are the numbers that aren't plausible.

From the AP:

A private group called Iraqi Body Count says it has recorded about 44,000 to 49,000 civilian Iraqi deaths. But it notes that those totals are based on media reports, which it says probably overlook “many if not most civilian casualties”.

Based on media reports lol.

The same people who said "Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction" are now saying "not credible". I envy these people for the rosy dreamworlds that they live in. I guess according to them only about 50,000 people must have died in Rwanda...

Someone needs to write a sequel to this book: Buried by the Times

One would be a fool to believe that the NYT or the media in general has changed all that much in the last 60 years. 600,000 is "not plausible". Sounds eerily familiar doesn't it?

Take a good look. This is history in the making. You want to understand how the holocaust occured? This is how. Because the body count then was also "not plausible." The methodology used back then to obtain the not-so-rosy statistics was also "not credible". It makes me wonder where they got their numbers back in the late 30's and early 40s. Did they call up the fuhrer himself and ask him how many jews have been killed? "A few thousand." "Ok we'll run with that number."

I guess since the insurgency is in its "last throes", it won't be long before peace settles in. Then we can get in there with a real survey crew and find out exactly how many lives have been lost. And guess which methodology will be used? That's right, one very similar to the one used by Johns Hopkins University to give us the figure of 600,000.

I think Bush destroyed himself by once again burying his head in the sand on national tv. What a cowardly act. The sad thing is he's done it so many times that it probably won't have any effect on the elections.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Liberals are too complicated?

It's an old argument. Conservatives like to brag about being simpleminded. Personally I think that's a funny thing to brag about... but to each his own I guess.

But is it true? Many liberals think so. Here's a "simple" message for you. You're wrong!

Usually you should get a bit miffed when someone tells you you are wrong. But you should feel good about being wrong this time.

Conservatives win because they own the media. They have corrupted and destroyed our educational infrastructure. They destroyed our concepts of community by feeding the greed is good, every man for himself attitude that led to the creation of suburbia. (which is now sinking us.)

You say liberal ideas are complicated, and conservative ideas are simple? That simply isn't true. Bush says he cut taxes. No he didn't he took out a loan and gave the money to the rich.

Think of the US govt as a homeowner and head of a household. What BushCo did was take out a mortgage and went and spent the money on a 4 year cruise to the caribbean and left his wife and kids to pay the mortgage. That's the truth, and it's not complicated at all. Just because he handed each one of them a gift on his way out the door doesn't make it complicated either. It just makes the wife and kids appear to be awfully gullible... and clearly they are...

as... are... we

Now, what is complicated about that? Nothing, except it hasn't been expressed like that on Fox News. So it seems difficult to comprehend at first, as do many liberal concepts, but this is deliberate. It's the ownership perk of this "ownership society" where bigtime conservatives control the message. But since it's the truth, it's not that difficult to comprehend. That's why someone totally indoctrinated by right wing media can be brought out of it within a very short period of time. Because it's fraught with lies and fallacies.
Just remember, Bush didn't cut taxes, he and his cronies all went to the bahamas on our tab. And their rhetoric about tax cuts paying for themselves turned out to be lies, as any intelligent liberal already knew they were.